Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba revealed how TalantaHela project helped discover a 16-year-old athlete from Busia County.
Meeting with rising sprint sensation Selpha Ojiambo on Thursday, February 23, the CS underlined that the she had taken the sprinting scene by storm, shattering the under-18 records with ease.
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“Selpha's discovery epitomises the bottom-up talent-spotting spirit being implemented by the ministry through the flagship TalantaHela project. Her sprinting talent was spotted, captured in a video, and shared through social media, catching the ministry's attention.
“It is then that CS AbabuNamwamba through the Sports Academy Kentya took up the raw gem, and placed her under its wings, where she is currently being nurtured to unleash her full potential,” read a statement by the Ministry of Sports.
It was also announced that Selpha would participate in the under-18 trials on Friday, February 24, at the Nyayo National Stadium.
The trials will be used to pick a team to represent Kenya in the under-18 championships in Dares Salaam, Tanzania.
Ababu Namwamba also presented her with sprinting gear ahead of her trials.
The prodigy was accompanied by Athletics Kenya Nairobi Region Chair Barnaba Korir, Ministry of Education representative Eliud Wambua and representatives from the Sports Academy Kenya.